




In keeping with our core values and vision statements, SIS has adopted a Child Safeguarding Policy to guide our staff and families in matters related to the health, safety and care of children in attendance at our school. 

The SIS Child Safeguarding Policy is based on international law and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which China is a signatory and Chinese law. Key elements of the SIS response are: 

  • All employees of SIS who work directly with students go through a police clearance and, if applicable, an international background check before SIS employs them. 
  • All staff receive annual training on appropriately interacting and communicating with students and recognising and reporting abuse and neglect issues. 
  • Students at SIS receive age-appropriate lessons to help them understand personal safety, their rights and whom to seek for help when they feel such rights have been violated. 
  • Parents receive materials and information sessions to understand our policy better. 


Student Safety

Teachers and Teaching Assistants are responsible for instructing students in safety and accident prevention. Teachers are also responsible for reporting to the administration any conditions on the school premises that constitute safety or health hazards. Teachers are responsible for reporting accidents/injuries in the classroom or on other school premises by completing the appropriate forms on Sharepoint divisional sites. All accidents, with or without injury, must be reported immediately to the office. The Head of School, Principals and office staff are responsible for the follow-up action, including seeking medical advice and assistance. In cases where the injury or illness may be presumed serious and always with a head or back injury, the parents must be immediately informed.


A systemic View of the SIS Child Protection Policy

The SIS child protection policy is meant to support the child, the family,and the community. Research indicates that children are as prone to child abuse in international communities as they are in communities in their homecountry. Child abuse is a multi-faceted issue that involves dynamics of the child, the family, and the community. 


SIS–teaches students to be safe, respectful, and  responsible. Students are taught explicitsocial-emotional skills, taught how to stay safe from harm, and learn to recognize their support networks.SIS offers a robust guidance program to students.


SIS -works with family members and guardians to support them in their parenting role by helping them understand appropriate discipline,healthy parenting practices, and ways to manage child development.


SIS -strictly implements the Child Protection Policy& Protocols, trains all staff to recognizeand report harm and implement practices to keep students safe on campus. 


Safe Learning Environments for Students

SIS ensures a safe learning environment for all students through proactively addressing child development issues, including discipline.


  • A knowledgeable and compassionate staff of teachers, teacher assistants, support staff, counsellors, and administrators.
  • The Learner Profile supports a school-wide focus on respect and kindness.
  • A guidance curriculum focused on being proactive and preventative toward behaviours typical of primary and secondary school students.